
This site is a general design document for thechronicle. For a less concise view of things visit our project page. If you want to see the code try sourceforge's web-based CVS browser. It should be noted that this project is still in the planning stages and that this design document is far from complete.


A boy is born in a small village. To the dismay of his parents, he is blind, deaf, and dumb. When the prophets caught wind of this notable birth, they recalled to the town an ancient prophecy.

It stated that when such a boy was born, it was a sign that the way of life there had become unsustainable, and that people had lost sight of their morals. He was the bearer of a warning that the village must change its ways,[[ or that their own shortcomings would equalize themselves.]] Only the truly innocent could save them from themselves.

The parents would have none of this. They wanted a healthy boy that could help them prosper. They went to doctors across the land, searching for some cure, or assistance, but to no avail. Their anger only increased their fervour. However, when they returned to the village...



The view of the game is very panoramic and the game is played from left to right as you fight the enemy back. There are two levels on which the player can be standing. He may be either on the "ground" or on the "ledge," each providing it's own tactical advantages based on the strategies being employed by the enemy. To move to the upper level the player need only jump high enough. To return, or to jump high enough to get on but to not land on it, you must simply be holding down as you pass by. If you need to simply drop down from the ledge while standing you double tap the down key.

The player is the young boy fighting the enemy. He wields a/two weapon(s), either a single multi-purpose or two, one melee, one ranged. In either case he will be able to switch between the two weapons/modes using the "s" key. The ranged weapon will be thrown in an arc normally. By holding up the player will be able throw straight up, and by holding down the player may be able to throw straight down.

The essential part to remember is that the player is fighting the enemy back to the original point it emerged from the earth. As any given moment the enemy has a preferred point. It attempts to stay at this point until it has taken enough damage, whereupon it will concede to move a bit farther back. That said, it must be noted it is still possible to push him past his preferred point. His reactions to this will vary in severity but he will attempt to move forward if it is only a short distance. As the distance increases he will take more extreme tactics, for example, simply charging back, knocking back the player if he be in the way.



The enemy is composed of three interchangeable modules, acting as both hands and head, each having a sharp-toothed mouth. His body is a large semi-rectangular mass and his feet are large lumps.

The enemy will start out the game as a creature composed of both rock and earth that appears as though it has just emerged from the ground. As the battle progresses all plant matter is shed and the earth still adhering to it either darkens or falls off. Near the end of the battle remains but battle-damaged stone.

game engine

appendix a: enemy modes

Concept Art

concept art - module concept art - module shooting concept art - enemy fallen concept art - enemy attacking

This page administered by raiseyourfist (aka raiseyourfistandresist, J Norm S, Mr. Norm S)

e-mail mr.norm.s AT gmail DOT com

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